I read this post yesterday on Jonny Baker (see blogs section):-
'you don't fit and that's your gift ............
cultures need people that don't fit - it's how things get moved on when they get stuck.....
...... and guess what - the institutional church really doesn't get it or them too well!
........they need these kinds of people to create new things often around or off the edges of the existing map.
....... if somebody is asking a lot of questions, doesn't fit, are creative - don't push them away. give them the space to create something different and new and resist the temptation to co-opt it.'
This really helped me- thanks Jonny!
I am still not sure ( a favourite phrase of mine) whether I am 'out there' as any kind of pioneer or whether that is my area of calling. I know I am called to be a Methodist minister but at the same time I feel perpetually uneasy with that role. I hope I don't aspire to what Soren Kierkegaard is reputed to have wanted on his tombstone: 'That individual'..... I need people.....
...however the phrase 'you don't fit and that's your gift' is at the moment helping me. Maybe I don't have to try and fit. Maybe when most other people seem to be nodding and agreeing and inside I am thinking 'this is crap/lame/ we could do something else but it will be scary (well it scares the living daylights out of me)'..... then that is good.
Guitar tricks- taught myself the (simple) riff to Portishead 'Over'- no one here is impressed. I am. A lot.
1 comment:
'you don't fit and that's your gift' - as someone who has just filled in her first lot of Stationing forms that is a comforting thought!
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