My posting is slipping- that is a bad sign.
I made all sorts of informal promises to myself about how I would handle the return and what I would do....blogging was supposed to be a discipline to help that.
So here I am on Friday...the day that I get most stuff done for Sunday, trying to keep that vow.
Here is something from Jonny Baker (see blogs I follow) from a couple of days ago:-
'one of the interesting sections in clay shirky's chapter is a story of a firm that had new management and a piece of research was done to see which managers came up with the most creative solutions. the discovery was that those that were least locked into their own department brought the most creativity i.e. lots of their connections were external. as he put it bridging capital puts people at greater risk of having good ideas. in any network there is a balance to be had. the temptation is to want to keep it tight - i.e. relate to people with similar passions/interests etc as you share concerns, struggles etc. but the network will stifle if it is too tight - it needs random elements and connections that are totally different to bring a creative edge. how you strike that balance i have no idea but for some people i think it's counter intuitive'.
That says to me, don't get sucked in.... keep reading, networking etc etc and make space for that. When I don't I get too serious or suffer from 'Messiah complex' (every minister gets it- 'I can solve your problems' or worse still 'I am the cause of everything, nothing can move without me).
I'm going now, back to preparation hopefully, to paraphrase Leonard Cohen, to leave enough cracks in everything so the light can get in.....
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